Tuesday, August 17, 2010

celebrity tuesday

Whats better than to start off your day, then by looking at a magazine filled with pictures of Carrie Underwood?
She is definitely someone that i look up too and could be considered one of my role models.
She recently got married to Canadian Hockey Player- Mike Fisher who is one lucky man!

Carrie is probably the prettiest girl that i know(not like i truly know her or anything, i wish.)

I have to call my girls from my rho sigma group today and i am SO nervous.
wish me luck!
oh & my sinus infection is better since i got a shot yesterday. yayy for being better but the shot sucked. oh well :)
who is your favorite celebrity?



  1. love sweet carrie. i didn't know she had a cupcake wedding cake. that's adorable!

  2. Ah Carriee...she is so gorgeous...it's unfair! She has the cutest little figure too. She seems like a very nice person, and I loved this magazine- her wedding pictures were so fun to look at!

  3. yes they were taylor! i love everything about her and i am envious of her life!

  4. I lovee that Carrie is a vegetarian like me :)
    She is just soo caring, and she's so beautiful, and real!

  5. yep! she is so real & i love that about her!
